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How to get good at Pole dancing? - the rule of three

When I train or teach pole, I use the rule of three. Which means you shouldn't learn or focus more than 3 things on your training sessions. If you do, you'll make your journey long. Very loooong.

Quick example, if one of my clients is about to learn how to climb, I make her practice the basics of climbing for 30 - 40 mins. The next class we will spend 30 minutes to learn how to enter and finish a climb nicely, both on spinning and static pole. So, she's already spent 60 mins on just climbing. All she learnt for 2 classes is how to climb, NOTHING ELSE.

Now from that point all my classes will teach her routines and combos where she has to climb, so she will do hundreds of reps to get brilliant at it. It might sound boring for some, but that 60 mins taught her for a whole life how to climb and she never has to get back to it again. Ever.

During Pandemic I did many online classes, and I was very surprised to see that on one session you are taught 3-4 different combos, which means that you will meet many challenges within the next hour. (It really put me off first, I almost stopped attending classes, as I could barely do anything for couple of weeks. I worked and trained very hard to catch up. Side note: no one could do or finish any of the combos completely)

You don't even have an hour to do practice, because the warmup takes about 15-20 mins, the cool down takes 5 mins, so you have about 35 mins to learn and master everything you are showed. (Now if you go to a session where you share poles, you basically have 15 mins to train!) Which means, if you train once or twice a week, you spend 30- 60 minutes on actual pole training and try to learn about 5 new tricks. That is just NOT enough time to practice.

Why do I have a problem with this above?

If you have years and hundreds of hours of experience, you will probably smash the class, maybe struggle with one trick, but you will practice that again on your own, because you have the knowledge and experience to do so.

If you train once or twice a week in group classes, these could be very intimidating to you and will probably leave you with the feeling that you are not good enough. You might think the reason you didn't manage to do anything is because you're not strong enough or good enough for pole. (Absolute BS!! ;) )

And when you get back to the next class, you will do something completely different again...

Everyone is good enough for pole, it is not your fault if you can't do something!

Pole dancing is a sport and repetition is the key. If you always learn new tricks and spins, and never get back and repeat what you have learnt beforehand at least HUNDREDS of times, you won't be good at pole. I mean you can hit an average level, where you zombie crawl into a trick and fall out of it to finish, but the real control, the strength and the cleanness of the moves won't be there.

And I am sorry to say that, but for me this is not pole dancing, rather some weak attempts of pole.

If you want to do something, do it well. Period. Don't just do it because it's trendy on social media or Susan from the corner does pole, so you have to do it as well. Don't rush it because according to Instagram you meant to be able to do all tricks.

It doesn't matter how many times you train a week, you can be absolutely amazing at pole, only the period of time will be different, but the results will be the same.

If you train with me, you know that I have extremely high standards when it comes to pole dancing (I call it tough love towards my clients haha) And if I can see you could do better, I will make you do it again. And again. And probably another 50 times just in case. But the results speak for themselves, just look at my pole babies' videos I've been uploading on my Facebook and Instagram. :)

If your goal is to be awesome at pole, practice! Spend minimum 15- 20 mins on one trick or mini combo. The higher level you get, the more you will squeeze in that 15-20 mins.

For example, I learn a new combo and there is a trick I've never done, I spend 15-20 mins just on the trick itself. After that I will spend the rest of my training on that one combo, until I am very happy with the result. If I am not, I will come back to it later on again. If I manage to smash it within 30 mins, because I have done 90% of that combo before I do something lighter and easier for the rest of my session, as I don't need to kill myself, I do it for me, at my own pace. :)

If you want to look beautiful and strong on the pole and you don't mind working hard, epYc is your place.

No excuses, good mindset.

These are the secret ingredients.

Book your sessions HERE.

See you soon,

Eve xx

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