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What is our secret? Why do epYc members improve so well?Pole edition

We are extremely proud of all our clients ( technically family :) ) and how much they improve class by class. Seeing them getting better and better is very satisfying and makes us very happy that they share their fitness journey with us.

But what is our secret?

It is very simple.

We care.

We don't put you through something you're not ready for, both mentally and physically.

There is not a chance on our sessions that you can compare your progress with anyone else's, apart from your own progress. You're doing great and put lot of hard work to it!

Just enjoy the journey :)

There is a reason we keep numbers low on sessions and that everyone works separately.

We are all different, why would we teach you the exact same way then?

Yes, it would make my job 10x easier to teach you all the same tricks and spins on a class, but who matters here more? Me, the instructor or you, the individual, the client, the person who trusts me with your fitness journey?

But what exactly happens on the classes then?

You come in and we warm up together. Also we spend a good 15 minutes just on strengthen exercises. It helps you boost your strength in long term, also warms you up for sure :)

And while you're doing this, we ( the instructors) can see where is your strength level at. So we have a rough picture already what we'll do with you on the class.

Are you a beginner?

If you've never done any pole fitness before, we start from the very beginning: first steps around the pole, two basic transitions and we'll teach you one or two spins. That's it for your first class. Pole is not just about strength, there are a lot of technique to learn, coordination and your movements matter, how well you can connect moves together. We won't just teach you a spin and that's it.. you want to learn pole dancing, right?! :P

Have you got some pole experience?

We will have a quick chat with you about what you've done before and we will run through your technical knowledge from beginner level. So the first couple of your classes with us will be a bit more about strength and technical bits and less flows and routines, but please don't get offended if we teach you some stuff you've done before. It is NOT your fault if you don't have the right technique for pole dancing. We want you to look amazing on the pole and be the best version of yourself, hence the run through of basics.

Yes, we are very picky and strict, but only for your own sake. You came to us and we will teach you everything we know to make you look like a professional pole dancer!

Every detail matters, EVERYTHING, even they way you hold your hands or head.

So if you want to learn pole dancing, how to create beautiful flows and routines, how to look elegant and amazing, and be super strong.... epYc is definitely a good decision for you then.

Don't overthink it! Just book a class and give it a go.

You won't regret it.

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