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Why is it important to learn the right technique in Pole Fitness?

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

Pole fitness is a very technical sport and unfortunately it is generally not taught in the right way 🤷‍♀️😕

So pole babies can't achieve their goals and probably injure themselves in the process ☹ They lose motivation and maybe give up, thinking they will never be able to learn certain tricks on the pole. WRONG 🙈

With the right technique, everything can be learnt and it makes a trick so much easier as well! You are less likely to get injured and you'll see progress quicker.

Good example is the video below 👇👇

I've seen sooooo many falling out of this trick😳 Or really struggle to get the body lifted up in the air. 99% of these cases the technique is sadly wrong, hence the fall...

Don't forget, technique is everything 🔥👍

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